Erosion from Laurelbook Development has destroyed life in our cove
WCNC News Coverage of Damage to Cove
Satellite Overview of Ersosion from Laurelbrook
A walk through of the destruction that can be seen from satellite imagery
Aerial Fly Over of Laurelbrook Development
How it used to be…
Families could enjoy it.
There was no land mass in the center of the Cove. You could boat across the entire area.
The water was clear for swimming.
We enjoyed clear water without worrying about debris or dirt. Our children built memories.
You could kayak up Terrapin Creek
We were able to kayak up Terrapin Creek including all three waterways
How it is now after damage caused by Laurelbrook development…
Debris continues to flow into the cove
Soil and debris continue to fill the cove day after day. Laurelbrook responds that they are “in compliance”. Whatever “in compliance” means it is not enough to stop the destruction they are causing.
You can no longer boat in the cove
A large land mass takes up the entire cove and continues to grow. Laurelbrook development continues to do nothing and Catawba County says they are “in compliance”.
Prestige operates machinery in violation until they get caught
Laurelbrook Development can not be trusted to operate in a way that protects our community. They only add mitigation when they get caught and when they do they only do what is minimally required.
Aerial Photo Taken 2-26-2025
Recent photo of the erosion from Laurelbrook Development
Aerial Photo Taken 2-26-2025
No silt fences anywhere in Laurelbrook Development
Aerial Photo Taken 2-26-2025
No silt fences anywhere in the development.